Friday, April 20, 2018

Cushion Cut Purchase Recommendations

Q: Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I'm looking for a cushion cut diamond in the 9-10k range. Obviously if I can find something exceptional for less, I may want to put that difference into a possible three stone setting. Do you have any tips for finding good value? Can you explain diamond fluorescence?

A: The cut quality of Cushion cut diamonds is not as easy to determine from a grading report as round brilliant or princess cuts.
Browsing online jewelers that have high resolution images is a must. However if they don't display an image many jewelers will be able to send you an image upon request.
Like this one:

Diamond fluorescence basics:
When under ultraviolet light, fluorescent diamonds glow.
This effect looks pretty awesome in a nightclub.
In daylight, though, the glow sometimes interacts with the light that would make up the diamond's fire and brilliance, essentially reducing its sparkle.
The result is a reduced brilliance in daylight.
This does not occur in every single fluorescent diamond.
But it is not possible to be certain unless it has been previously checked.
One jeweler that screens fluorescent diamonds is Brian Gavin Diamonds.

 email your questions to

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